Saturday, 30 August 2008
From the maker of (we both have a new academic crush!)
"Narcissits are a fascinating group. Unlike many people with extreme personalities - those who are paranoid or excessively emotional and attention-seeking - narcissists often function well in positions of power and responsibility. My colleague Daniel Ames at Columbia University's School of Business allows his MBA students, all of whom are exceptionally high-functioning, to take various personality questionnaires, and he offers the students feedback on the scores. A few years back, one student got the maximum possible score on the narcissism test. Given that most people view narcissism negatively, Ames was concerned taht the feedback might some as a shock to the student. But he need not have worried. The student's high levels of narcissism swung into action to construe this troubling information in a positive light. Ames later overheard the student telling another, "I aced the narcissism test- I got every single question right".
Now I Call THAT Procrastination

Skrova midbeam: Free with Noresund
Sultan Florvag Mattress: $149
Sultan Timan Pillowtop $49
Sultan Lade Slatted Bed Base $30
The whole $380 package for $125, a $30 cab ride and a $40 Zipcar rental... and a wild adventure in Dorchester.... priceless.
Yes, I booked the car for the wrong day. The closet available Zipcar to Brighton was in Dorchester. We'd just been saying that we needed to try out new neighborhoods...

Friday, 29 August 2008
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
Must...go eat birthday frosting from the can in the fridge...
Dudes, I am becoming PATHETIC. Someone help me procrastinate in a way that keeps me from the frosting can, please!
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
A research project to envy
Also ingenious: you can buy the graphical representation of your personality printed on a t-shirt, and the proceeds will fund their research. Now that's a business plan!
Monday, 25 August 2008
Italian priest to hold nun beauty pageant
style="">"An Italian priest says he is organising the world's first beauty pageant for nuns to erase a stereotype of them as being old and dour
I'm in love
Sunday, 24 August 2008
On unrootedness
“Unrootedness is, and always has been, part and parcel of being American,” Arnold Rampersad, a professor at Stanford University and biographer of Ralph Ellison and Hughes, said in an e-mail message. “It is the flip side of perhaps the defining aspect of Americanness, the capacity of its citizens to reinvent themselves.”
Elaborate Sunday Dinner
Pulled beer-braised pork w/ bbq sauce
Sweet Corn Cake (reduced the fat to less than half by substituting creamed corn)
Sweet and Sour Cucumber Salad
Bud Lite w/ Lime
And Friendly's Watermelon Roll for dessert!
If anyone wants to join me, the pork should be done around 7:30. You're totally welcome to!
spent an hour procrastinating on Google Earth after watching this video. Of note are:
Crazy germanic colonial settlement!
Interesting facts
- In October 2000 an agreement was signed between the Namibian and People's Republic of China governments to build a satellite tracking station at Swakopmund
- Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, daughter of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie was born here
Amazing sand dunes!
Quiver Trees:
The Namib Desert
The Kalahari Desert:
Saturday, 23 August 2008
When in graduate school...
"CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - Lauren Willig’s academic adviser laughed when she told him why she enrolled in Harvard’s graduate history program: to write a historically accurate romance novel"
Guy Attempts to Eat Michael Phelps Daily Breakfast in Under 5 Minutes
Major League Eater Crazy Legs Conti attempts to consume Michael Phelps' breakfast in less than five minutes -- Three pancakes, three french toasts, three fried egg sandwiches, a bowl of grits, an omelet and two cups of coffee.
Tips on conquering it much appreciated.
P.S. I had a dream last night that I accidentally made my flashcards on things I read in "US Weekly" instead of on the generals articles!
Corrections to Last Month's Letters to Penthouse Forum
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In the letter "Laying Late-Night Cable," it was misstated that "Shelly became immediately aroused at the sight of my rock-hard member straining to be free from my jeans." In truth, Shelly's initial demeanor would be best described as visibly uncomfortable and leery. She did not achieve a state of arousal until learning—after several awkward drinks—that performing fellatio would result in a free month of HBO and Starz.
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In the letter "Three-Way Freeway," it was implied that "Diana" begged for the opportunity to participate in sexual relations with her roommate and her roommate's boyfriend after accidentally walking in on their "sweaty, all-night lovemaking session." In actual fact, "Diana" was not aware of her participation in the "love sandwich" until she regained consciousness later that evening.
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In the letter "Calling Dr. Love," it was suggested that the letter writer's "throbbing member was purple with pulsating lust" until if found release in "the warm, wet mouth of an off-duty nurse in a hospital supply closet." The actual cause of said member's throbbing and discolored state was an unfortunate softball-related accident that landed him the in the hospital's emergency room. He is currently recovering from his injuries while facing harassment charges from several nurses and staff janitors.
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In the letter "And Wifey Makes Three," the letter writer stated: "My wife was eager to engage in a threesome with me and our incredibly hot 19-year-old babysitter." The sentence should read: "My wife was disgusted, repulsed, and, in every imaginable way, opposed to the thought of engaging in a threesome with me and our incredibly hot 19-year-old babysitter." Nor did the wife "wildly undulate" while seated on the face of the babysitter, or "moan in unending pleasure" as she watched her "superstud" of a husband give the babysitter "a good seeing-to." The letter writer also doesn't fight crime on the weekends from the confines of a secret underground lair.
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In the letter "Rent Payments," the letter writer described his landlady as having "the flawlessly tanned and toned body of a much younger woman" and "full, pouty lips that promised—and later delivered—satisfaction." The landlady, in fact, does not exist. Nor does the letter writer possess "an impressive love-tool that all the ladies crave." He did, however, totally make out with this one girl once and they were so going to do it, until his mom came home. Really.
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Penthouse Forum regrets these errors.
Femal Hysteria - Origins of the Vibrator
Patients diagnosed with female hysteria would sometimes undergo "pelvic massage" — manual stimulation of the woman's genitals by the doctor to "hysterical paroxysm", which is now recognized as orgasm
Rachael P. Maines, author of The Technology of Orgasm: "Hysteria," the Vibrator, and Women's Sexual Satisfaction, has observed that such cases were quite profitable for physicians, since the patients were at no risk of death but needed constant treatment. The only problem was that physicians did not enjoy the tedious task of vaginal massage (generally referred to as 'pelvic massage'): The technique was difficult for a physician to master and could take hours to achieve "hysterical paroxysm." Referral to midwives, which had been common practice, meant a loss of business for the physician.[1]
A solution was the invention of massage devices, which shortened treatment from hours to minutes, removing the need for midwives and increasing a physician’s treatment capacity. Already at the turn of the century, hydrotherapy devices were available at Bath, and by the mid-19th century, they were popular at many high-profile bathing resorts across Europe and in America. By 1870, a clockwork-driven vibrator was available for physicians. In 1873, the first electromechanical vibrator was used at an asylum in France for the treatment of hysteria.
While physicians of the period acknowledged that the disorder stemmed from sexual dissatisfaction, they seemed unaware of or unwilling to admit the sexual purposes of the devices used to treat it. In fact, the introduction of the speculum was far more controversial than that of the vibrator,[1] perhaps because of its phallic nature.
By the turn of the century, the spread of home electricity brought the vibrator to the consumer market. The appeal of cheaper treatment in the privacy of one’s own home understandably made the vibrator a popular early home appliance. In fact, the electric home vibrator was on the market before many other home appliance ’essentials’: nine years before the electric vacuum cleaner and 10 years before the electric iron.[1] A page from a Sears catalog of home electrical appliances from 1918 includes a portable vibrator with attachments, billed as ”Very useful and satisfactory for home service.”
A Morning in the Life
Before beginning work, of course, I had a few tasks to take care of:
- Dishes (lots of them)
- Read about how to make French Press Coffee ( is obsessively wonderful). Despite the fact that I have expensive and delicious Murky Coffee I brought back from DC, lament that my grinder is apparently actually a "product pretending to be a grinder," meaning I am sure to get a sludgy, awful cup of press coffee. Apparently I didn't do my research. Do said research. Stop lamenting, because the recommended Bodum burr grinder, is $129 on, while my Hamilton Beach Custom Grind cost $19.99. Remember that I am a grad student, not a fancy pants professional, and sometimes the life of the mind requires sacrifices. Make the coffee. Enjoy it for its perfect location at the intersection of taste and thrift.
- While enjoying said coffee, watch Joe Biden's old appearance on The Daily Show in honor of his choice as VP.
- Take the test in Stuff White People Like to determine my degree of whiteness. Despite the fact that I am simultaneously enjoying coffee (#1) and The Daily Show (#35), I only turn up 44% white. Can't decide whether to be happy or sad about this.
- Write this post.
Wikipedia on Procrastination
Procrastination is a type of behaviour which is characterised by deferment of actions or tasks to a later time. Psychologists often cite procrastination as a mechanism for coping with the anxiety associated with starting or completing any task or decision. [1]
For an individual, procrastination may result in stress, a sense of guilt, the loss of personal productivity, the creation of crisis and the disapproval of others for not fulfilling one's responsibilities or commitments. These combined feelings can promote further procrastination. While it is normal for people to procrastinate to some degree, it becomes a problem when it impedes normal functioning. Chronic procrastination may be a sign of an underlying psychological or physiological disorder.
The word itself comes from the Latin word procrastinatus: pro- (forward) and crastinus (of tomorrow). The term's first known appearance was in Edward Hall's Chronicle (The union of the two noble and illustre famelies of Lancestre and Yorke), first published sometime before 1548.[2] The sermon reflected procrastination's connection at the time to task avoidance or delay, volition or will, and sin.
I went to the cinema to see Pineapple express yesterday and this trailer came on during the previews.
You watch the first 30 seconds of it, see this young cad, and think to yourself...lord not another movie about some goodlooking loser who goes around whoring, drinking, gambling....until the penny drops and you figure out it's W. Then your jaw drops!
I can't believe Oliver Stone is making this movie!